
Best Leader Award | 4th place

Jimmy Wales

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3777190317 /

Imagine a world in which every single person on the planet is given free access to the sum of all human knowledge. That's what we're doing.

Jimmy Wales is the best leader:

For orchestrating the biggest global efforts the world has ever seen to make human knowledge accessible for all, for free, without any ulterior motive, and for the sole benefit of the many and for all of Wikipedia’s writers, editors, and volunteers.

Other Winners

BioNTech & Pfizer
For quickly and meticulously using novel technology to bring a Coronavirus vaccine to billions.
5 / 5
Super Safe Nuclear Reactors
For offering a potential solution to much of the world’s energy problems.
5 / 5
Moderna & Lonza
For quickly and meticulously using novel technology to bring a Coronavirus vaccine to billions.
5 / 5
View Ranking Summary


Total Ranking

5 / 5


0M - 1M

0M - 1M








Time Quality
0 /5
0 /5
Time Saving
0 /5
Life Saving
0 /5
0 /5
Financial Benefit
0 /5
Success Rate
0 /5
Reward Immediacy
0 /5

Estimated number of people impacted or potentially impacted.

The audience expected to find this item relevant.

Expected geographic impact.

Additional species impacted or potentially impacted by this item.

The level of satisfaction, enjoyment, happiness, or meaning that this item may contribute to.

Projected item period of impact.

Potential amount of time that this item may help to redirect from less desired activities to preferred ones.

Item’s potential to save, or extend one's life.

Investment to derived return ratio.

Potential financial value that may be made or attributed to the item.

Chance of successfully gaining the value offering attributable to this item.

Potential rate of post-investment gaining which regard this item.

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