
Time Economy Rankings

Time Economy is happy to announce the launching of its value-based ranking system. Our ranking system is built to encourage the creation, consumption, and distribution of high-value content with a ranking that was created with the value of human time in mind. Time Economy’s ranking system strives to be free of ads, hidden interests, and anything else that is not first and foremost beneficial to many. 

We have vowed to do our best to help change the world for the better. We welcome you to read through, learn our system and use our platform to leverage your time and the time of many others.

We encourage you to contact us and learn if and how you may be able to implement our system into your life or business or notify us in the instance of Time Economy offering anything short of the absolute best.

Time Economy Rankings

Time Coins

A ranking that aims to quantify the total positive value on a person’s life. Unlike stars, likes, views, prices, or any other known parameter, the Time Coins system aims to estimate the total inclusive value offered by evaluating the full possible impact on a person’s life as a whole. 

Time Coins’ calculation is heavily based on well-proven theories in behavioral economics. It is designed to direct us toward real significant value, rather than short-sighted projections or traps that may be of little to no value and even harmful. Time Coins offers an easy way to distinguish true value and to make decisions based on our insights and preferences.

Negative Time Coins

Though typically many things can be ranked from useless to highly beneficial on a positive scale, some opportunities that life may suggest could pose a risk or a real negative impact on our time quality or life.

Such things that may have more than a small risk to our life and the quality of life may be marked with a negative time coin and include a call to “alert humanity” from exploiting such “opportunities” that may pose a risk or an actual negative impact to our life. 



While Time Coins aims to quantify the total impact of an offering on the life of an individual, Impact strives to point to the total influence such an offering may have globally. For example, Johannes Gutenberg’s invention of the mechanical movable type printing press continues to be so powerful today that even areas or groups with no access to print are indirectly influenced by it. His invention impacts every human being on the planet – 8 billion people and counting. In addition, the widespread use of electric vehicles ignited by Tesla could prove a largely effective way of slowing the effects of climate change, impacting the entire human population. This has yet to be proven, but one could argue that Tesla’s potential contribution would impact 8 billion people.



Time Quality
Impact Duration
Time Saving
Life Saving
Return of Investment (ROI)
Financial Benefit
Success Rate
Reward Immediacy

Time Quality

The level of satisfaction, enjoyment, happiness, or meaning that we assign to a given period. For example: When we fall in love or get a dream job offer, we likely feel time quality is higher. In contrast, waking up on the wrong side of the bed, missing a flight, or having our phone battery die at the worst possible time would result in low time quality.



Time Quality ranking is set on a scale that ranges between:
0 – None
1 – Ok
2 – Good
3 – Very Good
4 – Amazing
5 – Worth Everything



Look for a blue tick underneath the ranking bar for a well-quantified parameter. The following is a quantification example for a Life-Saving parameter:

Studies suggest that about one hour of brisk walking a day is likely to expand our lifetime by 4.5 years. If we consider the 10-year median follow-up period of the studies, a swift calculation suggests that we are likely to gain more than 7 hours of life for each hour of walking.

Our investment: 10 years x 365 days x (~1hour of brisk walking /day) = 3,650 hours = 152 days

Our expected gain: 4.5 years x 365 days x 16 waking hours per day = 26,280 hours

Expected Return on Investment (ROI): 26,280 hours gained/3,650 hours invested = x7.2

For those interested in an even better conversion rate for their invested time, keeping your weight at normal levels in parallel to the above is expected to result in 7.5 extra years. That’s 12 extra hours for each hour you put in of brisk walking level exercise, while also maintaining a balanced diet.

Credit: Steven C. Moore et al. / PLOS Medicine

0 / 5
1 / 5
2 / 5
3 / 5
4 / 5
5 / 5

Impact Duration

Projected impact duration can range from momentary up to a lifetime. Look for this sign and its high score if you are into long-term impact and gains! For example, we might feel great for a few minutes if we are offered a free dessert at a favorite restaurant, or if we find our cell phone undamaged from a fall. For some people, this might even make their day. But neither of these events will set off “the best year ever.” The impact of an event is often limited in duration. In contrast, when choosing the right career track, looking for the right spouse, or adopting the right approach to life, the duration impact can be much longer.



Impact Duration ranking is set on a scale that ranges between:
0 – None
1 – Momentarily
2 – Daily
3 – Spell
4 – Significant Period
5 – Lifetime



Look for a blue tick underneath the ranking bar for a well-quantified parameter. The following is a quantification example for a Life-Saving parameter:

Studies suggest that about one hour of brisk walking a day is likely to expand our lifetime by 4.5 years. If we consider the 10-year median follow-up period of the studies, a swift calculation suggests that we are likely to gain more than 7 hours of life for each hour of walking.

Our investment: 10 years x 365 days x (~1hour of brisk walking /day) = 3,650 hours = 152 days

Our expected gain: 4.5 years x 365 days x 16 waking hours per day = 26,280 hours

Expected Return on Investment (ROI): 26,280 hours gained/3,650 hours invested = x7.2

For those interested in an even better conversion rate for their invested time, keeping your weight at normal levels in parallel to the above is expected to result in 7.5 extra years. That’s 12 extra hours for each hour you put in of brisk walking level exercise, while also maintaining a balanced diet.

Credit: Steven C. Moore et al. / PLOS Medicine

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1 / 5
2 / 5
3 / 5
4 / 5
5 / 5

Time Saving

The amount of time that we can redirect from a less desired activity to a preferred activity. The time saved can vary from a one-time saving of a few seconds to regular repetitive cumulative savings. For example, if we read a good review of a product that we may consider buying, it can save us time—a few minutes or even a few hours of deliberation, depending on the product and the personality of the individual. Should it result in the purchase of a preferable product, that may save us some more time too. More dramatically, if we get a once-in-a-lifetime financial tip that results in ten years of savings, that tip will have saved us a few years of earnings. 



Time-Saving ranking is set on a scale that ranges between:
0 – None
1 – Minutes
2 – Hours
3 – Weeks
4 – Years
5 – Lifetime



Look for a blue tick underneath the ranking bar for a well-quantified parameter. The following is a quantification example for a Life-Saving parameter:

Studies suggest that about one hour of brisk walking a day is likely to expand our lifetime by 4.5 years. If we consider the 10-year median follow-up period of the studies, a swift calculation suggests that we are likely to gain more than 7 hours of life for each hour of walking.

Our investment: 10 years x 365 days x (~1hour of brisk walking /day) = 3,650 hours = 152 days

Our expected gain: 4.5 years x 365 days x 16 waking hours per day = 26,280 hours

Expected Return on Investment (ROI): 26,280 hours gained/3,650 hours invested = x7.2

For those interested in an even better conversion rate for their invested time, keeping your weight at normal levels in parallel to the above is expected to result in 7.5 extra years. That’s 12 extra hours for each hour you put in of brisk walking level exercise, while also maintaining a balanced diet.

Credit: Steven C. Moore et al. / PLOS Medicine

0 / 5
1 / 5
2 / 5
3 / 5
4 / 5
5 / 5

Life Saving

The possibility of saving a life, or extending it by periods ranging from less than a year to a complete lifetime, and with different probability levels. For example, Being aware of the right recommendations with regards to some of our life choices could equip us with a fair chance to fulfill our maximal life expectancy and even extend it by many years, as well as to suggest such important contributions to our dear ones.



Life-Saving ranking is set on a scale that ranges between:
0 – None
1 – Up To A Year
2 – More Than A Year
3 – Few Years
4 – Many Years
5 – Lifetime



Look for a blue tick underneath the ranking bar for a well-quantified parameter. The following is a quantification example for a Life-Saving parameter:

Studies suggest that about one hour of brisk walking a day is likely to expand our lifetime by 4.5 years. If we consider the 10-year median follow-up period of the studies, a swift calculation suggests that we are likely to gain more than 7 hours of life for each hour of walking.

Our investment: 10 years x 365 days x (~1hour of brisk walking /day) = 3,650 hours = 152 days

Our expected gain: 4.5 years x 365 days x 16 waking hours per day = 26,280 hours

Expected Return on Investment (ROI): 26,280 hours gained/3,650 hours invested = x7.2

For those interested in an even better conversion rate for their invested time, keeping your weight at normal levels in parallel to the above is expected to result in 7.5 extra years. That’s 12 extra hours for each hour you put in of brisk walking level exercise, while also maintaining a balanced diet.

Credit: Steven C. Moore et al. / PLOS Medicine

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1 / 5
2 / 5
3 / 5
4 / 5
5 / 5

Return of Investment (ROI)

The ratio between our investment and the value that we expect to gain. For example, should we invest in a stock that increases tenfold without us putting in too much time, worry, or effort, that investment could have a very high ROI. On the other hand, if we invest one hour in cleaning the floor of our home because it was too messy and now the house is tidy unless we have a real love for cleaning, that would not be a high ROI activity. We could say that we got what we expected. Nothing more and nothing less.



Return of Investment (ROI) ranking is set on a scale that ranges between:
0 – None
1 – Ambivalent
2 – Fair
3 – Big Win
4 – Corner-stone
5 – Once In A Lifetime Opportunity



Look for a blue tick underneath the ranking bar for a well-quantified parameter. The following is a quantification example for a Life-Saving parameter:

Studies suggest that about one hour of brisk walking a day is likely to expand our lifetime by 4.5 years. If we consider the 10-year median follow-up period of the studies, a swift calculation suggests that we are likely to gain more than 7 hours of life for each hour of walking.

Our investment: 10 years x 365 days x (~1hour of brisk walking /day) = 3,650 hours = 152 days

Our expected gain: 4.5 years x 365 days x 16 waking hours per day = 26,280 hours

Expected Return on Investment (ROI): 26,280 hours gained/3,650 hours invested = x7.2

For those interested in an even better conversion rate for their invested time, keeping your weight at normal levels in parallel to the above is expected to result in 7.5 extra years. That’s 12 extra hours for each hour you put in of brisk walking level exercise, while also maintaining a balanced diet.

Credit: Steven C. Moore et al. / PLOS Medicine

0 / 5
1 / 5
2 / 5
3 / 5
4 / 5
5 / 5

Financial Benefit

The possible financial value an opportunity may suggest. For example, if we read an article on how to be well-prepared for interviews, when and how to switch jobs, or how to take care of our pension or invest our savings, that may result in financial freedom. On the other hand, a discount at the grocery store will result in a limited financial benefit.



Financial benefit ranking is set on a scale that ranges between:
0 – None
1 – Profit
2 – Salary Worth Win
3 – Yearly Worth Savings
4 – Lifetime Savings
5 – Financial Freedom



Look for a blue tick underneath the ranking bar for a well-quantified parameter. The following is a quantification example for a Life-Saving parameter:

Studies suggest that about one hour of brisk walking a day is likely to expand our lifetime by 4.5 years. If we consider the 10-year median follow-up period of the studies, a swift calculation suggests that we are likely to gain more than 7 hours of life for each hour of walking.

Our investment: 10 years x 365 days x (~1hour of brisk walking /day) = 3,650 hours = 152 days

Our expected gain: 4.5 years x 365 days x 16 waking hours per day = 26,280 hours

Expected Return on Investment (ROI): 26,280 hours gained/3,650 hours invested = x7.2

For those interested in an even better conversion rate for their invested time, keeping your weight at normal levels in parallel to the above is expected to result in 7.5 extra years. That’s 12 extra hours for each hour you put in of brisk walking level exercise, while also maintaining a balanced diet.

Credit: Steven C. Moore et al. / PLOS Medicine

0 / 5
1 / 5
2 / 5
3 / 5
4 / 5
5 / 5

Success Rate

The probability of success in gaining a value offering that ranges from a low to a near-sure win. For example, should we read a recommendation on the best new diet or how to invest in stocks, statistics will suggest that the chances that we will successfully harness the suggested value are low. On the other hand, and regardless of the suggested value impact on our life, the chances that we could implement a recommendation to install a new app or watch a new Netflix show can be counted as much higher.



Success Rate ranking is set on a scale that ranges between:
0 – None
1 – Very Low
2 – Low
3 – Fair Chances
4 – High Chances
5 – Close To a Sure Win



Look for a blue tick underneath the ranking bar for a well-quantified parameter. The following is a quantification example for a Life-Saving parameter:

Studies suggest that about one hour of brisk walking a day is likely to expand our lifetime by 4.5 years. If we consider the 10-year median follow-up period of the studies, a swift calculation suggests that we are likely to gain more than 7 hours of life for each hour of walking.

Our investment: 10 years x 365 days x (~1hour of brisk walking /day) = 3,650 hours = 152 days

Our expected gain: 4.5 years x 365 days x 16 waking hours per day = 26,280 hours

Expected Return on Investment (ROI): 26,280 hours gained/3,650 hours invested = x7.2

For those interested in an even better conversion rate for their invested time, keeping your weight at normal levels in parallel to the above is expected to result in 7.5 extra years. That’s 12 extra hours for each hour you put in of brisk walking level exercise, while also maintaining a balanced diet.

Credit: Steven C. Moore et al. / PLOS Medicine

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1 / 5
2 / 5
3 / 5
4 / 5
5 / 5

Reward Immediacy

The pace at which we get to gain the value for our investment. That pace may range from the immediate to the need to wait for many years. For example, an immediate win is eating a delicious dessert, while learning to play a challenging musical instrument may offer a delayed reward.



Reward Immediacy ranking is set on a scale that ranges between:
0 – None
1 – Lifetime Of Waiting
2 – Unexpected Period
3 – Soon Enough
4 – Soon After Investment
5 – Immediate Win



Look for a blue tick underneath the ranking bar for a well-quantified parameter. The following is a quantification example for a Life-Saving parameter:

Studies suggest that about one hour of brisk walking a day is likely to expand our lifetime by 4.5 years. If we consider the 10-year median follow-up period of the studies, a swift calculation suggests that we are likely to gain more than 7 hours of life for each hour of walking.

Our investment: 10 years x 365 days x (~1hour of brisk walking /day) = 3,650 hours = 152 days

Our expected gain: 4.5 years x 365 days x 16 waking hours per day = 26,280 hours

Expected Return on Investment (ROI): 26,280 hours gained/3,650 hours invested = x7.2

For those interested in an even better conversion rate for their invested time, keeping your weight at normal levels in parallel to the above is expected to result in 7.5 extra years. That’s 12 extra hours for each hour you put in of brisk walking level exercise, while also maintaining a balanced diet.

Credit: Steven C. Moore et al. / PLOS Medicine

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3 / 5
4 / 5
5 / 5

Time Economy’s Checkmarks

Each content piece may have a checkmark when certified by Time Economy or a trusted community member, if its parameters are quantified, or if its impact is high.

Want us to rank your products, services, content, or most valued persona or company?

Please provide us with some basic details and we will be honored to rank anything we can free of charge or with the minimal cost required to process your request. Should your ranking request be of value to the wide public, Time Economy will publish it on its platform and credit you as the initiator should you choose to be credited.

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